Remote Server Access Made Easy - Intranet Penetration


Intranet penetration (also called port mapping) is to map the local intranet port to the public network (also called the external network). The intranet is actually a local area network. If you want to access your company's internal network at home or in any public place, you need to penetrate the intranet. Project websites that can only be accessed on this machine can be accessed on other people's networks through intranet penetration.

FRP is a fast reverse proxy that allows you to expose a local server located behind a NAT or firewall to the Internet. It currently supports TCP and UDP, as well as HTTP and HTTPS protocols, enabling requests to be forwarded to internal services via domain name. FRP also offers a P2P connect mode.

GitHub - fatedier/frp: A fast reverse proxy to help you expose a local server behind a NAT or firewall to the internet.
A fast reverse proxy to help you expose a local server behind a NAT or firewall to the internet. - GitHub - fatedier/frp: A fast reverse proxy to help you expose a local server behind a NAT or fire…


  • A server. In this article I will use the Linux server as an example.
  • Server port 6000 open (this can be customized).


  • To begin, download the latest program for your operating system and architecture from the Release page. Take Linux version as an example (Please check latest version)
tar -xzvf frp_0.54.0_linux_amd64.tar.gz
  • Next, place the frps binary and server configuration file frps.toml on Server A, which has a public IP address.

  • Finally, place the frpc binary and client configuration file frpc.toml on Server B, which is located on a LAN that cannot be directly accessed from the public internet.

  • Modify frps.toml on server A by setting the bindPort for frp clients to connect to:

# frps.toml
bindPort = 7000
  • Start frps on server A. (To have it run in the background, I’m using nohup. You can also set it as a system service)
nohup ./frps -c ./frps.toml
  • Modify frpc.toml on server B and set the serverAddr field to the public IP address of your frps server:
# frpc.toml
serverAddr = "x.x.x.x"
serverPort = 7000

name = "ssh"
type = "tcp"
localIP = ""
localPort = 22
remotePort = 6000

Note: The localPort (listened on the client) and remotePort (exposed on the server) are used for traffic going in and out of the frp system, while the serverPort is used for communication between frps and frpc.

  • Start frpc on server B:
nohup ./frpc -c ./frpc.toml

Access Server on the Intranet via SSH

Important: To ensure security, I’ll disable password login and force keyfile login. You can reference my previous post:

Use Only Key File to Login Linux Server
Beginner guide for SSH keyfile login

Check your system configuration and firewall to allow remote access.
To access server B from another machine through server A via SSH (assuming the username is testuser), use the following command:

ssh -oPort=6000 -i /your/path/keyfile.pem testuser@x.x.x.x

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