Something About Terminal

Terminal is essential

Something About Terminal

Due to various kinds of network environment, some basic modification & improvement may be necessary applied to your terminal.
Note: This article is based on macOS.

1. Command Line Beautifier

1.1 iTerm2

Official Download Link

1.2 Oh My Zsh

Pre-requisites: zsh, curl or wget, git
Option one

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Option two

sh -c "$(wget -O-"

1.3 powerlevel10k

In Oh My Zsh

git clone --depth=1 ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-$HOME/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/themes/powerlevel10k

Edit .zshrc

nano ~/.zshrc

Change theme


2. Keep SSH active

Many servers or firewalls will disconnect after a period of inactivity on the SSH connection, which is very inconvenient, so we need to find a way to keep the connection.

2.1 Modify server side settings

nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
# Server sends a request to Client every 60 seconds, and then Client responds to keep the connection
ClientAliveInterval 60
# After the server sends a request, the client does not respond if the number of times reaches 10, then the connection is automatically disconnected. Under normal circumstances, the client will not fail to respond
ClientAliveCountMax 10
sudo systemctl restart sshd

2.2 Modify client side settings

nano /etc/ssh/ssh_config (or ~/.ssh/config)
# Client sends a request to Server every 60 seconds, and then Server responds to keep the connection
ServerAliveInterval 60
# After the client sends a request, the server will automatically disconnect if the number of times that the server does not respond reaches 3, and under normal circumstances, the server will not fail to respond
ServerAliveCountMax 3

3. SSH Fast Open

nano ~/.ssh/config
Host example # customized name
        HostName # server ip
        Port 22 # ssh port, default 22
        User exampleuser # ssh username
        IdentityFile ~/your/path/example.pem # key file path

4. Proxy

Assume your proxy server is ready, whether it’s socks or http protocol.

4.1 Bash (macOS default command line)

Modify user global profile

nano ~/.bash_profile

Add proxy server information at the end of the configuration file: (port may vary depending on your proxy server config)

# proxy
alias proxy='export all_proxy=socks5://'
alias unproxy='unset all_proxy'

Make the configuration effective

source ~/.bash_profile

Modify user global profile

nano ~/.zshrc

Add proxy server information at the end of the configuration file: (port may vary depending on your proxy server config)

# proxy
alias proxy='export all_proxy=socks5://'
alias unproxy='unset all_proxy'

Make the configuration effective

source ~/.zshrc

4.3 How To Use

Switch ON proxy: type proxy
Switch OFF proxy: type unproxy

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